Phyllis Austin Exhibition

The Phyllis Austin Perpetual Memorial Trophy is an open competition for all LCACA members in recognition of one of our founding members, Phyllis Austin.

It is an encouragement award recognizing creativity, originality and a high standard or execution.  Members cannot win the award more than once.

The perpetual trophy “Sleeping Platypus” was sculpted by John Van der Volk.

The trophy is handed to the winner to keep for one year along with a certificate and cash prize of $500.00.

Phyllis Austin Exhibition 2024

This year’s Winner is Jean Versace with her acrylic and mixed media painting “Heath Pea, Yuraygir Fog”. Highly commended works are Claudette Hough’s cross stitch “Dydayan “(Jaryahn) and Lindy Treasurer’s acrylic painting “Pelican Hello”.

A few more works from the 2024 Exhibition, below

Phyllis Austin Exhibition 2023

Congratulations to Jacquie McLeod for her winning textile art “The Beauty Within”. A beautiful piece, Jacquie. You get to keep the Platypus sculpture for a year. 

Highly Commended awards go to Alan Bishop with his woodwork sculpture “Mobius# 11” and Robyn Bowden with her portrait of “Little Bea”.

Be sure to make a point of viewing this eclectic exhibition.  It’s open every year for members of LCACA. Entries were judged by three previous winners and long-standing artists: Bobbie Winger, Di Nixon and Pam Birrell. 

Thanks especially to organisers, Marlene Sheehan and Gloria Lee for such a delightful show in our members room. 

Jacquie McLeod with the Sleeping Platypus Trophy and her winning entry in the Phyllis Austin Award for 2023.

Phyllis Austin Exhibiton 2022

The winner of the 2022 Phyllis Austin Award was announced on Friday December 2. Suze Monin was the overall winner for her collage “Tokyo Moon”. Grafton Gallery co-ordinator Naomi Sands judged the exhibition and presented the main award. Clarence Valley Council Mayor and LCACA Patron Ian Tiley presented the Highly Commended Award to Jacqui McLeod for her Textile piece “Ocean Touch”. Alan Bishop also received a Highly Commended Award for his amusing wood carving “Librarian Bird”. See photos below.

Photos, clockwise from top left: Naomi Sands with 2022 Award winner Suze Monin; Ian Tiley with Highly Commended award winner Jacqui McLeod; Tokyo Moon — collage; Ocean Touch –woven textile; Librarian Bird — woodwork.

Phyllis Austin Exhibition 2021

2021 Winner Di Nixon (right) with Niomi Sands, Director of Grafton Gallery

Previous Winners Display clockwise from top left: Monolith (Band Saw Box) by Ron Moore; Biodiversity by Karl Rubli; Quilt As You Go by Wilga Bolton; Fabricated Archaeology (Earrings) by Bobbie Winger; Kurume by Pam Birrell.

Phyllis Austin Competition 2020

Winner 2020

Judge’s Comments

This outstanding work demonstrates excellence in water colour technique and composition.  It is a beautiful work that reminds us of the simple pleasures in nature especially in these trying times.  There is joy and happiness in the work that instils a sense of hope. Well done Pam! A wonderful work

Highly Commended 2020

HIGHLY COMMENDED – Judge’s Comments

Di NixonJosephine’s Dream. Silk and wool wrap. This vibrant and joyful work explores creativity through the medium of textiles, the use of wool and silk give the work depth and beauty.

Alan Bishop This Too Will Pass. Collector’s box. This work is a sublime and excellent example of mastering your chosen medium.  The design is elegant and beautiful, highlighting the beauty in the medium as well as in design.

Betty Thompson The Riverside. Mixed media, graphite, charcoal and ink. This delightful artist book captures the essence of the subject matter.  Great use of mark making and line to capture the subject.

Entries 2020

  1. Chris Lokes. Blue and White Table Runner. Handwoven.
  2. Jackie Nicholls. Dragonis Raptis. Stoneware, glaze.
  3. Heather Moore. Art Deco Mirror.
  4. Vicki Munro. The Broom. Watercolour.
  5. Karin Brear. Tubular Energy. Pastel.
  6. Robyn Tychsen. On the Road to Brooms Head. Oil on board.
  7. Suzanne Monin. After the Fires 2020 — Setting the Seeds for the Future. Acrylic and coloured pencil.
  8. Denise Filby. Morning Glory. Acrylic/Gold leaf.
  9. Jean Versace. Reflections. Acrylic.
  10. Lynne Gehrke. Flanders Fields. Acrylic and decoupage on canvas.

Works by Previous Winners

  1. Wilga Bolton. Memories. Quilt 55″ x 55″
  2. Rhondella Hyde. A Gaggle of Geese. Acrylic on canvas
  3. Wendy O’Brien. Beyond Blue. Acrylic on canvas.
  4. Nita Barnsley. Hand Spun Lace Wrap. Merino wool.
  5. Karl Rubli. Ready for a Feed. Timber (Camphor laurel)
  6. Bobbie Winger. Sushi Redux. Necklace/collar of recycled materials.
  7. Ron Moore. From the Forest Floor. Bandsaw box.
  8. Fay Farnham. Autumn Rose. Stumpwork, hand stitched.

Phyllis Austin Competition 2019

The winner of the Phyllis Austin Award for excellence is Bobbie Winger for her fabulous silver jewellery. Highly commended went to Chris Lokes for her hand spun and woven table runner and Alan Bishop for his skilled wooden vase. Entries and previous winners have works on display and for sale at Ferry Park Gallery. Congratulations to all on their display. 

Thank you to Niomi Sands from the Grafton Regional Gallery for judging the Exhibition and for assisting our Patron Dr Ian Tiley in presenting the prizes. An enjoyable time was had by those who attended the presentation on Friday 6 December. 

Phyllis Austin Competition 2019