
Ferry Park Gallery is located at 5287 Big River Way (formerly the Pacific Highway) off the roundabout at the southern entrance to the Scottish Town of Maclean, overlooking a beautiful section of the Clarence River.

The Gallery is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily, 364 days per year. Closed Christmas Day.

What’s New at Ferry Park

Artists of the Month October 2024 — Kim McKenna and Tina Evans

Kim McKenna (Blue Tongue Leathercraft) and Tina Evans share the Artist of the Month display for October. Kim has a range of intricate leatherwork including belts, book covers, key fobs, bags and custom made leather goods to name a few of her products. She also creates beautiful picture carvings in leather.

Tina is a self described “Jill of all Trades” whose carved avocado pit jewellery and up cycled blanket toys are fun and unique.

Photos clockwise from top left: Kim McKenna with her leatherwork display; carved avocado pits by Tina Evans; Tina Evans; crochet and up cycled blanket toys by Tina; leatherwork by Kim.

See their work at Ferry Park Gallery until October 26. See more photos and details of their work at https://ferrypark.net/artist-of-the-month/

30 Years of Ferry Park Gallery

Ferry Park Gallery officially opened in February 1994. This exhibition featured historical information about the founding and construction of the gallery. Original members and exhibiting members were recognised, and there was a beautiful display of work from some of the original members. This included paintings, woodwork, quilts and more. The exhibition was on display during September 2024. For more photos and information, see 30 Years of Ferry Park Gallery

Photos (clockwise from upper left) Afternoon tea; Woodwork by Gordon Law, Two views of the gallery, Councillor Greg Clancy, LCACA President Penny Stuart, Councillor and LCACA Patron Dr. Ian Tiley.

Ferry Park Goes Solar

Members of LCACA met with NSW State Representative Richie Williamson to thank him for his help with the installation of solar panels of Ferry Park Gallery. We received a Community Building Partnerships Grant of almost $7,000 to help pay for the installation of our new solar systems.

These systems will reduce our energy costs, and help meet Clarence Valley Council’s goal that “50% of the Council’s electricity demand be met from renewable resources by 2030 and earlier if feasible, principally through on site solar and renewable energy PPAs.” (source: Clarence Valley Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Renewable Energy Targets Report 2018)

Sales Opportunity

Have you ever thought about joining Lower Clarence Arts and Crafts (LCACA) and selling your work at Ferry Park Gallery? We are looking for new artists from the Lower Clarence Valley to join our group, help with the gallery and exhibit and sell their work.

If you make high quality, original art or craft works we would be happy to discuss selling your work at Ferry Park. In return for a commission on sales and joining the roster to work in the gallery, you will have your work on exhibit and for sale 364 days a year.

Download an application form here. For further information, please email: info@ferrypark.net and we will answer any questions you may have.